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We are independent publishers of transport books, based in Cumbria.
Our books cover local transport history, policy and law as well as projects building for the future.
The authors are all sepcialists in their fields,
putting their work into practice
as Consultants and in Education.

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Trains to Keswick DVD
Price: £14.00
Trains to Keswick DVD
Professionally filmed just before closure (1972), the DVD features staff and local residents as well as views of the route and trains. Digitally re-mastered by Iceni with additional material about plans for the future of the route.
Book - Return to Keswick the case for a new Railway
Price: £20.00
Book - Return to Keswick the case for a new Railway
free shipping tax free
In 1972 the railway into the northern Lake District was closed. Times change. This book summarises the technical and commercial feasibility for re-opening the line with a full time public service, a project developed by CKP Railways plc
Sustainable Transport book - PDF download
Price: £27.50
Sustainable Transport book - PDF download
Transport in context with planning, the environment, social inclusion, economic and political considerations.
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