Book - Sustainable Transport - an independent view
Item Number: ISBN 978 1 902543 04 8
Copyright:: Author: Cedric Martindale
A broad study of what passenger and freight transport – by all modes - should be doing and how it can be made relevant to people’s everyday needs. It discusses what people need from transport, offers opinions on planning and implementing transport projects in a wider context including community needs, service provision, value for money, land planning, housing, energy supply, environmental impacts, farming and food conflicts. The book offers regional, national and international perspectives. It is intended to be thought provoking and encourage communities, transport providers, authorities and politicians - at all levels - to take a fresh look at transport before uncoordinated development, the decline of fossil fuels and climate change make some choices hard or impossible.
* Whole number only
Transport in context with planning, the environment, social inclusion, economic and political considerations.
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